3D Printing


  1. Please review the following Workshop on 3D printing

  2. Read the Staff Printing guide here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WWErUqDHkZ28AamaiD-OEPgqqcGV4j3bq1SJS6cPkXA/edit#heading=h.qr0lyvmiwu70

  3. Read the pamphlets on 3D printing at the DSC desk.

  4. Browse some 3D prints on thingiverse and printables. Get familiar with the wide array of items and download one or two items you find interesting. cura logo

  5. Make sure you can open and navigate Cura on the DSC computer. You should see 5 Ultimaker printers connected (Ada, Brunel, Claudia, Diana, and LittleE), if you do not see all the printers, follow step 6, if all the printers are connected, skip to step 7.

  6. First, click on the printers you can see on the upper left side of the page, and click on “Manage printers”. Next, a pop-up box will appear, click on “Add New”, located in the top right corner of the page. You will then be prompted to ask if you want to add an Ultimaker or Non-Ultimaker printer, click on “Ultimaker printer”. Finally, sign in to Digital Factory. If you do not have an account, create one and ask Dani to be added to the DSC group. Your printers should now be automatically added to Cura. If you have any issues at this stage, please ask Dani for help. You might have to shut down and restart your computer multiple times before being able to see the printers.

  7. Open the files you downloaded and spend some time moving them around, changing the scale, and changing the print settings.
  8. Optional: open and get familiar with MakerBot software. The Makerbot printer is older and lower quality so it is generally only used at high volume times.

  9. Practical training:
    • practise sending a file to 3D print
    • practise changing the filament in the printers
    • practise removing a completed print from the printbed
    • practise swapping out the glass printbed
    • practise labeling and dropping off a completed print
    • optional: practise removing supports from a print
    • optional: practise Hot & Cold pulls

NEXT STEP: Navigating the Web App